Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Another Day Closer to Brexit.

Labour put down an amendment on Brexit Withdrawal Bill that LOOKS, for a couple of minutes, like it might mean something. That Her Majesty's Opposition, unlike Her Majesty's Government, might have made some sort of decision about some sort of Brexit. 

But no, there they are spinning and briefing against each other as usual. And we are still nowhere. It can't just be because both parties are made up of loonies and feckless bastards, can it? Why does no one ever decide anything? Because they can't. It's the only explanation. 

Brexit CAN'T be done. Not SHOULDN'T be done. Can't. We are on a set of islands off the coast of Europe. Europe is run by the EU. We are going to remain in the EU...just not members of it. It's a lie. A delusion. This is why neither party ever makes any decision as to policy. Any decision the politicians make...ANY pure fantasy. We decided to leave the EU. That was our LAST decision. That was the last decision the UK is ever going to make. All we've done is abdicated ourselves from any future decision making. The EU will decide the terms on which we leave and redefine the relationship. This was ALWAYS how it was going to be. 

Maybe it's a good thing...for the end. The Brits were never comfortable in the real world. Always moaning about their place in the sun, always opting out of everything. Very tiresome. They will be...they already are...glad to get us out of the room.
The EU will decide on Britain's future status. Britain imagining otherwise was an illusion born of the same imperial nostalgia as our "special" status within the EU. We were indulged in that rubbish for forty years. That's done now. The only strategy the UK had was trying to pick off EU member states one by one for "special" deals, as if our leaving would make the EU fall apart. The moment that strategy failed (by about mid day on June 24th 2016)...we had NOTHING else to bring to the table.
This is why the Tories have spent two years fannying about while the Labour party fannied about letting them. This is why we've made no proper preparations for any Brexit realities. Because there's NOTHING we can do. This is why BOTH major parties have already fallen to bits. They can't talk about Brexit seriously, because to talk about Brexit seriously would be to admit that they, like Wyle E Coyote have ALREADY run off the edge of the cliff...but they haven't looked down yet. They KNOW what will happen if they do. The implication of REAL Brexit is that we hit everything with a hammer...smash it all to bits and start again. Now there are some on the far left and some on the far right to whom apocalypse/revelation is a consummation devoutly to be wished. In their imagination, a lean capitalist beast with no foreigners or a socialist paradise with no bankers will ensue next March. Let us be clear. NOTHING like either is going to happen. Tories and Labour have both dropped the Brexit ball and are waiting for the EU to pick it up. Eventually, the EU will be forced, out of self interest, to save the UK. What will then happen is that the EU decide both the terms on which we leave, and the terms that suit them as to how we continue to trade. The truth is that both parties are COUNTING on this happening. Both main political parties and the entire media are meanwhile complicit in a bizarre conspiracy of pretending otherwise, of "agency." But they know that Britain will decide NOTHING. I suspect sensible parliamentarians, and even David Davis and Bojo, KNOW this.

This is why we've handed over ostensible political control to the loonies. It's why Jacob Rees Mogg is never off the telly. It's pure showbiz. I guess we might use WTO Rules for a year or two...then we'll be back at the EU table, BEGGING for them to sort it for us.

But I suspect we've already "chosen" the easy way, the lazy way...deciding nothing at all, so that the grown ups in the EU will decide everything for us in time for next year. Playtime will go on. The delusion will go on. Of course, the Tories will still bitch and whine about the beastly Europeans, and Labour will bitch and whine about the beastly Tories. But British politics will be pure theatre even more than it already is. Things will be a bit harder. Living in Britain will be a bit crappier. London will continue to be a city of huge, dodgy wealth pit with a servant class in deeper poverty. The North of England will continue to rot. The racists will continue to blame everyone brown. 

What do we do next? "We" meaning Scotland this time? We might well choose to do nothing but whine and bitch about the Labour Party while Labour whine and bitch about the Tories while the Tories whine and bitch about the EU. After all, in 2014 we also chose not to choose.

It might be that we are the ghost of a country attached to a ghost of a country. The only that Scotland's ghost is MAYBE...maybe... a ghost of the future as a small country in Europe, not of an Empire lost in the past.